Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Customers and Visitors

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We thank all our clients for working with us, and point out that any questions about the privacy policy (for those who live in the EU we have a dedicated data protection officer), including any questions about how to exercise your rights over it, can contact Mark Poland at

Our site does business worldwide as writing and editing service. We at the site work to keep your data private and safe while we have it, and also to make sure that everything that is done with the data we hold is legal and fair, and takes into account any privacy laws in the countries we operate in.

Your Data

Our service collects, uses, and transfers certain data in order to better carry out its services, and offer new and improved work to our clients. When our clients accept our terms and conditions, they accept our privacy policy and the ways that we collect, use, and transfer their data throughout the site. The information we collect, use, and transfer includes the following:

  • Your email
  • Your telephone number
  • Your user name
  • Your payer name
  • Your payer legal name
  • Your billing address
  • Your IP address
  • Your cookies
  • Your orders
  • Your content which is associated with those orders

This document will refer to your personal information as you data\your information\your personal information for clarity going forward. Any personal information which we gather and store for you is gathered either through your use of the site, your visits, or your correspondence with us. It is sometimes also gathered from you signing up for any promotional marketing on the site itself.

We gather your personal information in a number of ways – site registration, any subscriptions to goods or services, any searches you make on the site, any promotional activities you sign up for, and any time you report a potential problem you are having with the site itself. Your data will therefore include the following:

  • Your name
  • Your site password
  • Your site username
  • Your address
  • Your email addresses
  • Your payment information (mainly your PayPal information, if you use that service)
  • Your order information
  • Your site feedback
  • Your messages
  • Your emails
  • Your responses to any surveys we put out.

We also collect some technical information from you. Your data in this area will include:

  • Your IP address
  • Your log in data – user name and password
  • The web page you were on before you came to our site
  • What browser you use, and the version you currently have installed
  • Your time zone, and the setting for your time zone
  • Any plug-ins and add-ons you have for your browser
  • Your operating system
  • The platform you use
  • The technology and devices you use to access the site itself

How we use your data:

We try to make sure that our site and services are user-friendly and easy to use. To that end, your data is used by both us and various third party sites in order to keep the site running smoothly, keep it easy to use and work with, and also to continually update and improve what we have to offer

Your personal information will be used in a number of ways: we use the data on how the site is used, the data on what technology is used to access the site, and the data on how people come to the site in order to continually work on delivering the best experiences we can.

  • Cookies and similar – we use this technology not only as a way of providing easy and continual access to the site, but also to protect the site, and promote its use among the people who might need it, and not be aware of its existence. Cookies are seeded onto your computers so that the site can more easily remember you and your information for the next visit.
  • Marketing – your personal information helps us to better market the site, because it helps us to understand how you use the site, and how you came to it. Marketing is something that can be opted out of by pressing the unsubscribe button on any email communication we send to you. Our marketing will send you promotions and deals which are similar to those you have either asked for yourself, or which you have had sent to you before.

Sharing your data

Our site works hard to keep data safe, and so will not share it with any site which would use it to contact you without authorization from either us or you yourself. Third party sites are a part of our work, and we will share your personal information with them if it can help with the following:

  • Your IP address
  • Help with logging in and account registration

These services may include log in with Facebook\Google, any service which allows for the sending of SMS messages, and Google Mail, among others.

Protecting your data

While we gather and store all pertinent data from our visitors and clients, we will only keep it for so long as we need to do so. When it has fulfilled its purpose in legal, reporting or accounting practices, we will then dispose of it safely. This also applies to third party services and sites which we will use in the distribution of our services (suppliers, partners, customers, software solution providers, back office support, and the like). Before any data transfer is made, we establish if there is a proper need for it, and if there is a legal reason to make the transfer.

Properly looking after and storing your data is of paramount importance to us, and the site has a team specifically created to look after data and make sure that it is not misused. This team spends its time making sure that the storage and transfer methods we use have no vulnerabilities attached to them, and make sure that the data we transfer is done legally. Any and all of your personal information is scrutinized to make sure that we have reason to keep it.

Your rights – data deletion

Anybody who lives within the European Union or anywhere else in the world at the time they make use of our site and services has certain rights with regards to the information we hold about them. They can, at any time, access, change, restrict, or delete the information we hold. If you wish to exercise your rights to delete your information - then contact our site at We collect minimal data for user account operation, such as email, phone number, name, password as well as order related information.

You may access your data at any time on request to the site. When you or another client makes the request to see the data we have collected, we as the staff will send it to you in writing, either electronically or otherwise, in a clear and coherent fashion. Any request to access data will be handled within thirty days of first receiving the request to do so.

You have the right to correct the data we hold on you at any time, if you have reason to think it is wrong, or if something has changed since you first began to use the service. This also extends to third party sites – if you ask us to make any changes to your data, then we will pass on this request to the third party sites with whom we have shared your data, although please note that we have no way of enforcing these changes.

You have the right to ask us to erase your data, if you feel it is inaccurate, or if you no longer wish us to have it. Data will normally be erased when we no longer need it to carry out our services anyway, but some people wish it to be erased before then. We will also make sure that any and all third party sites will be informed of your wishes, although again, we have no way of ensuring that these sites carry out the erasure.

Any third party services will always be told of the requests you have made, unless we no longer work with them and therefore do not have any direct communication with them. We do not have the ability to police what third party sites do with your data in the same way that we do with our own services and staff, so we cannot guarantee that the third party sites will erase, correct, or otherwise, your data.

You have the right to restrict our use of your data, under certain circumstances. We only process data under certain circumstances where we have the legal right to do so, and clients commonly restrict their data usage under the following circumstances:

  • You challenge the accuracy of the personal data;
  • The processing is unlawful, but you do not want us to erase it;
  • We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you want us to hold it as you need it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims;
  • You have objected to our use of your data, but we need to verify whether we have legitimate grounds to use it.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to us using your data at any point in time. There are certain circumstances where we need your express permission in order to use your data, such as when we are using it for marketing purposes – this is where you can affect the way your data is used. There are two things to note, for anybody who is wanting to take this approach – we cannot retroactively apply this withdrawal of consent, so that any marketing campaigns which are already in place will continue to use your data, and withdrawing the consent to use your data may prove to hinder our ability to properly provide you with services.

All third party sites and services which have been given your data will again be notified if you wish to restrict use of your data, or withdraw your consent. However, anybody who wants this done should realize that we as the principle site have no way to ensure that the third party sites will follow these strictures, particularly if we no longer have a working relationship with them.

Your rights - individuals outside the European Union

You have the right to access any and all of your account information which we hold. Anybody who wishes to see their data should get in touch with the support staff at, and they will be provided with the means to access their account information and see what information is held.

You have a right to a record of data transfer. A record of data transfer is a record of what data has been sent where, and how it has been used. This record will contain information on the sites and services which have had access to the data in question, and it will cover the entire previous year. If you want to know who we have sent your personal information to and how they have used it, then make a request. We can also follow up this request by informing you of the various ways you can act to keep the third party sites which we do business with from using your data for their own marketing.

We are required to keep and identify the various categories of personal information that we have gathered by both the California Online Privacy Protection Act and the California Business and Professions Code.

Where we store and transfer your data

Your personal information is stored in the EU, Canada, and the USA as appropriate. We transfer people’s data in the USA and the EU.

Your data will be shared within the company, which may necessitate the transfer of data outside of the immediate vicinity. Your data will be shared with third party sites who work with us both to provide our services, and improve upon them. We will make sure that your data has protections on it through the following procedures.

  • Your data will be transferred to countries which give it a similar level of protection that it enjoys in the country of origin,
  • We will use a contract which gives the data similar protection to that it enjoys in the country of origin.

Changes to our Company

It is possible that when the company changes hands or sells assets, this may have an effect on our customers and your personal information. If this seems to be the case, we will be sure to get in contact with you, and let you know about your options.


This privacy policy is subject to change – the changes can be found on our website, and if any of them affect our customers directly, those customers will be notified. If anybody wants to get in touch with us about anything they had ready, the email address is